The portfolio career

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Dr Denise Taylor

16 November 2014


I’m interested in self employment or a portfolio career can you help?

A number of my clients have asked the question ‘should I work for myself?‘one of their options is to develop a portfolio career.
A Portfolio career is often the easiest option, and it’s not just for professionals. A portfolio career is about having different sources of income. For some this can include continue to work as a consultant for their current organisation, and working as an associate for other organisations or having 2 or more sources of income incuding part time wook.

Tell me more about a portfolio career?

For some people a portfolio career can mean 2 or more part time jobs.
Sarah’s portfolio career includes works as a bank nurse, continuing her previous full time job, but on a part time basis. She also works on a Friday night at a pub, it’s live music night which she loves, and on Saturday she works in a quirky clothes shop. The rest of the time is spent developing her small business idea of creating art from waste (such as plastic bags and old paper). When we first met and she asked me the question ‘Should I work for myself’ she had wondered how to make the leap from paid employment to making money from her small business idea. This is how she makes it happen.

A portfolio career can include developing small business ideas. When you work for yourself you will want to have different income sources. It takes take to take a small business idea and make it profitable so a portfolio career helps.

Should I work for myself?

Asking ‘should I work for myself’ is a great question. You want to think about why you want to work for yourself. Career choices often are down to two main reasons

  • you want to get away from something
  • you want to move towards something

I can help you decide whether or not ‘I want to work for myself’. Partly it’s down to personality, do you have the drive to succeed as self employed, will you put in the commitment. It’s also down to personal circumstances, how will you survive with a probable drop in salary? But you also need to have a small business idea that is workable.
Clients continue to tell me how great I am at taking an interest and at developing it into a small business idea that will make money.
I love to plan, and I’m highly organised so I can work with you on your plan – how to make the transition to a portfolio career or a new business and how to create realistic goals.

What else to consider about ‘Should I work for myself or develop a portfolio career?’

You need to consider different small business ideas, I’m great at developing ideas (Having far more ideas than are good for me, and my biggest weakness, starting ideas and moving onto something new before I finish – I’m working on this!) and especially helping people to see options. I’m sure we could work together on working out what is best for you.
One of your small business ideas may be to set up an internet business. You’ve heard of passive income and you want some of that! I’ve made a lot of mistakes on my attempts to make money this way, but I’m getting there and I can help you develop your small business idea into something both enjoyable and profitable.
Family and friends may have their own perspective, and be less than supportive, or encourage you to take a step too far. I’m realistic and if I don’t know the answer I’ve usually got a great resource in mind to help develop your small business idea.

How will you help me develop my small business ideas.

I help people decide on whether, or not, to become self employed and to act as a sounding board and ideas generator.

Too many people fail to make a go of a business idea, whilst it could be marketing or finance, often it is down to fit. Too little attention has been paid to personality, goals, values and expectations. Yet these are the areas that will make the real difference
I’ve gone through this path myself and can help you make the transition smoothly, but also ensure that it is the right option for you.

I’ve previously been guest faculty to a group of internet marketers running sessions on the psychology of success.

We can schedule career coaching sessions to discuss your small business ideas, and also talk about you. What aspects of self employment will come easy and what will be more difficult?
Where can you get expert support in the areas you need help. Just because you are working for yourself it doesn’t mean that you will do everything, you can outsource tasks you don’t want to do, and especially those that take up far too much time.
Some of my clients have opted to move into consultancy or their own business. Some have a mix of gaining their own clients and associate working or a part time job alongside their own business.
Perhaps you need specific help to create an online presence, you’ve seen what Denise does and wonder how you can adapt to suit you.
With an MBA, extensive experience in Business Excellence and Total Quality Management and 14+ years experience as a business owner, I can help you to review your marketing strategy, create business systems and help you play to your strengths.

I already work for myself but I’m not having much success

Are you feeling swamped? Not as effective as you could? Doing too much but not achieving your goals? Losing sight of the reason you set up in business?
We need to talk, and find out the blocks and get them unfixed.
Perhaps you chose the wrong small business idea, or perhaps you need to add more to your portfolio career mix. It can help to utilise what you already can do and sell those services – whether you be a carpenter, IT software designer, book keeper, occupational psychologist …. You can often get consultancy as an associate which is a great mix into a portfolio career.

Why Business owners choose Denise

  • Denise is organised and motivational and able to motivate other business owners, and not just small businesses!
  • Denise has a track record of working with entrepreneurs
  • Denise runs a successful business and is generous in what she shares
  • Denise is seen as an expert in the area of developing successful careers and job search, regularly featured in print and on the radio. She is also the author of ‘How to Get a Job in a Recession’, ‘Winning Interview Answers for First Time Job Hunters’ and the forthcoming ‘Now You’ve Been Shortlisted


Client feedback – small business ideas and portfolio careers

“Imagine having someone objective to bounce ideas around with, someone with personal expertise, and high levels of idea productivity. Someone on your side who wants you to succeed – Denise can provide this for you.” Adam
“Thank you for listening, sharing in a very generous, giving manner, and making me feel proud of my past. Your structured approach to taking the next steps are easy to follow and I’m making good progress and feeling much more positive about the future. Your guidance and suggestions ‘outpaced’ two other organisations, making me feel comfortable when other so called experts did not have the depth of experience you demonstrated!” Mark Edwards, Worcestershire
I am good at my work but didn’t really understand about systems. Clients seemed to be taking control and I was always waiting to be paid. I was also not working effectively and needed help with time management. The calls with Denise were very motivating and I was prompted to take immediate action. I’m not there yet, but I’m getting closer, and will continue with regular sessions – what she does is brilliant.’ Rob, Web Designer, Ireland
“I would like to thank you for all your help and support with helping me decide on what career path to take. I was quite confused on where to go with my career when I first met you but after our conversations and completing some questionnaires/reports, including the Strong Interest Inventory I was able to make some good decisions. Your commitment and passion for your work shines through and it is very inspirational to see what can be achieved if you choose the right career for yourself and you are an excellent example for this.” Jessica, Small Business Owner, Gloucester

Using LinkedIn to promote your small business ideas

I love social media, and you can use Face book, LinkedIn, Twitter and more to build your online reputation, and reach a wider client base,

Read about how LinkedIn can help you grow your business. Find out more.


Interested? Please get in touch to discuss how I can help.


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