Taking part and being committed

Not a brilliant day today, weather wise and it would have been easy to spend the day at home. But I had planned to go to the gym so off I went, but it would have been nicer to stay in the room and not to face the risk of skidding on ice. When I […]

The 10 Steps and how it helped me… a note to the career coach

It may seem very logical for some people but when you’re in the middle of a crisis or funk, when you just can’t see the woods for the trees and cannot dig yourself out of that black hole of de-motivation, the thought of dusting yourself off in readiness for the next adventure in life can […]

Unhappy in your job – contact the career coach

A typical career coaching client enquiry is from somebody who is very unhappy in their work but has no idea what to do.   when I ask them what they have done, they often have used a similar approach. this is to scan job ads – online and in print and hope that something catches […]