Could you turn a hobby into a career?
Is it possible to turn a hobby into a career? Many things are possible, and if we hate our jobs or are looking for something new to do then we may find something via a hobby or interest. One approach is to list the things we do outside of our paid job – things like baking, crafts, […]
The Monday morning feeling
Here’s some thoughts on that Monday morning feeling … Is Monday misery necessarily a symbol that you don’t enjoy your job. I love my job and I work from home, but I still loathe that Monday morning feeling… It could be, especially if you are unhappy at work. You’ve just spent 2 days doing what you […]
Stammering, the hidden disability
By Colin Marsh, Trustee of the British Stammering Association People who stammer sometimes have blocks, prolongations or repetitions in their speech. We know what we want to say, but can have difficulty getting the words out. This has implications for us, not just when being interviewed for a job, but after we start […]