Parent Focus Newsletter

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Dr Denise Taylor

5 July 2018


I’ve sent my first Parent Focus newsletter out today. If you would like to receive it you can sign up here

This article will focus on helping our children move on from GCSEs. These exams are important but what will your child do next. The school holidays can be a useful time to invest in your childs career education.

Next time I’m going to talk about how you can help your child from the ages of 11-16.

It’s hard to know how best to advise our children on what to do from 16 onwards – stay on for A levels? Move to a college for A levels, undertake more vocational training, and then at 18 – study/ work/travel.
Not all young people want or need a university education. Vocational training or getting a job may be the right choice. Too many young people opt for university without any in-depth thought on why. Too late they realise it was the wrong degree for their desired career. Others drop out as emotionally not ready, or not getting sufficient support to help with the transition from school. The investment to choose careers advice for students is just a small percentage of even one year at university. I can help your child make effective choices for milestones such as GCSEs and A levels. Parents are reassured by working with a career psychologist with extensive experience in offering Career Advice for teenagers.  

Career Advice for Teenagers comes in 3 options. 

  1. The Highlands Ability Battery

(Almost) ALL my clients who have taken the Highlands Ability Battery wish they had taken it when they were younger as the information is so powerful when making career decisions. My clients ask me why career aptitude tests aren’t more frequently used by schools. When a teenage takes a career assessment test they get to know what they can actually do which provides essential guidance to make decisions over study choices. But schools don’t have the budget for this type of assessment, relying instead on interest inventories. Just because you are interested doesn’t mean you will have the ability to be successful, and many of us aren’t sure if we are interested in something, or not.
The Highlands Ability Battery. This is a 3-hour assessment to identify natural ability and comes with 3 colour PDF reports (50 pages) including the Career Exploration Supplement to suggest career options. It also improves study skills, and increases self-confidence. You can read more and make payment via this page.

  1. A One Hour Discussion

Prefer a time to talk. You can pay by the session. The first hour is £140.
Add in the Strong Interest Inventory (SII) to assess interests. You receive a 12-page colour PDF report. These is an additional fee of £40.
Further sessions are £80 (50 minutes)

  1. The Teenager Programme – £527

The teenager programme combines these 2 assessments alongside 2.5 hours of coaching sessions. One of 90 minutes to discuss the Highlands Ability Battery and 2 x 30 minute sessions – the first to listen to your teen and help them think through any ideas they may have and to gain a clearer understanding of options. Following a discussion of the 2 assessments we have a 30 minute follow up to review research and clarify next steps. All discussions are recorded and sent as MP3s.

My Career Advice for teenagers can help young people to choose:

  • A levels or other post 16 study
  • Degree subject
  • Specialism (e.g. for doctors and scientists)
  • First job and possible career path

I’m interested in career advice for teenagers. What next?

Schedule a 15-minute enquiry call to talk using this link.

I’ve sent my first Parent Focus newsletter out today. If you would like to receive it you can sign up here


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