I wanted to let you know about a new website, it’s part of the Amazing People family but aimed at people aged 50+.
Are you 50 and in your prime?
60 and ready for new challenges?
70+ with so much more to do?
I’ve got some great blog posts and a weekly newsletter. Here’s the one that’s just gone out:
It’s time for my midweek message, sent to share what I’ve been doing over the past week.
I’ve now got the linked Twitter account set up and I’m having fun finding out more and sharing articles of relevance. If you have a Twitter account, you know that your stream can be full of stuff. I’m making sure I only share things of relevance to people like us, with interesting articles and a few fun things too.
I’ve had some tidying up done on the site by my web designer. He coaches me to learn the skills so I can do most of the work myself, but they are things I struggle with so these are now fixed.
If you only read one of my blog posts, please follow through on the one called Remarkable Lives. Owen has an amazing project and is seeking funding via Kickstarter. I’ll be going ahead and supporting this, just wondering if my mum wants the package where Owen arrives and interviews her. If not, I’ll opt for the £100 option.In the press
I was commissioned to write a top 10 tips list plus research resources for an article for SAGA Magazine. I’ve got some links around this in my latest blog post, or you might like to buy a copy. I’m impressed and I’ve taken out a subscription.
Blog Categories
I’m not sure I’ve got this right. I have a section called relationships but have yet to include an article, so perhaps this isn’t the right one for me. But rather than rush to change I’ll see how things go over the next few weeks or so. If you want to know anything around relationships let me know and I’ll get something written.
Latest blog posts
I’ve written 5 blog posts this week. Not sure how long I’ll maintain this but I wanted to see some articles up. It’s so sad visiting sites and there’s an unloved blog attached. I like the way the date is clear. Over the last 7 days I’ve posted:
5 April – Not losing weight
4 April Carry on Working – Saga Magazine
2 April Remarkable Lives: Untold Stories & Voices of Later Life – this is about a fascinating project to capture stories from people in later life.
31 March – I love quality TV
31 March – What does retirement mean to you?
And if you are a new subscriber you can read my first newsletter here: and visit the blog for earlier posts.
I truly appreciate you signing up and trust this is of interest. Anything you want to ask or share, feel free to comment on my blog or email me.
With kind regards, Denise x
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