Job Searching In The Corona Virus Crisis

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Dr Denise Taylor

28 March 2020


Hints and Tips to be at your best.

This week I’ve worked with 2 clients, one is in the midst of interviews. All now done online. She’s had to adapt her interview style to more quickly develop rapport.

Another client has found all possible interviews put on hold. The organisations being applied to have frozen recruitment until we come out the other side.

So, what can you do when you want to job search, right now?

Depending on the sort of work you want, there are short term jobs available in the food retail and distribution sectors.

But in the longer term …

There may be less jobs available, this could be a deep recession. It will take time for companies to decide on future recruitment. So for now, focus on staying positive, whether you are having to work from home, stuck in a job you dislike, having your job ‘furloughed’ or being unemployed.


One way to stay positive is to keep a gratitude diary and to make a note, each day, of 3 things that you are grateful for.  Do this for a week and it will make a difference, and then continue.

It also helps to limit the amount of time you spend watching/listening to the news.  You don’t need to have it continually going in the background.  Once or twice a day is enough.

Keep up to date

What can you do to make you better in your job? Are there courses you can do to develop your skills or to get you ready for a promotion or move. Find out more about your industry and profession. If working from home, how can you be more proactive, and remain visible?

Courses can be found on various platforms including


Google Skillshop

Khan Academy

Skill Share


Future Learn

Ted talks are available on many different topics too. And don’t forget to search for Podcasts that interest you.

Plan a new career

Whatever you would like to do or be, take a step each day to get there. You can find 2 hours a day to work on moving towards the career you want, and if you are not sure, we need to talk. I can help you find a new career path.

Develop your soft skills

Could you be more assertive, less bossy, have better time management, understand yourself more. I’ve got plenty of assessments that could be helpful so have a look at the options and learn more about yourself. I’m going to do a featured assessment, starting next week. If it would be helpful to discuss how I can help let’s arrange a time to talk.


You may not be able to meet people in person but we can do some online networking. Why not reach out to people on LinkedIn? This is the time to build connections rather than to go straight into asking for help. Are there people who have helped you in the past – take the time to send them a thank you note – a hand written card is especially welcome but also you can email or post a recommendation on LinkedIn.

I’ve got an online course you may be interested in and use this link to get it for a 50% saving.

Have your marketing material ready

Your CV and LinkedIn profile should be ‘good to go’. Have your CV updated, and make sure your LinkedIn profile will show you in a good light and be focused on your career direction rather than where you have been.  Make sure both include key words. With LinkedIn start building connections via groups to get to the 500+ connections.

Use this forced time at home wisely and you can use this to increase your marketability. Best wishes, Denise x


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