Technology has made living and working at our own pace possible. Through technology, the number of remote working options has increased considerably over the years. The so-called gig economy has been on the rise since 2001. While the term “gig-economy” might not scream stability, it’s already transformed the workforce in significant ways.
The BBC reports that around 15% of the entire working population is made up of self-employed workers. Indeed, the freelancer life is more suited to the fast-paced lifestyles that most of the working population already experiences.
If the gig economy is something you’re considering trying out for yourself, our career coach Denise Taylor outlines steps on how to change your career. Now, if you’re ready to take the leap, read on to learn about how to embark on your own freelance journey.
Find the Right Clients
The internet is a great way to connect people, and using it to find clients and jobs is one of the simplest and easiest steps you can take. Sites like Upwork and Toptal allow you to browse through potential jobs with ease and can provide you with the necessary information to determine if a client is the right fit for you and your skills. Freelancing experts Yoss emphasise the importance of finding collaborative and customer-focused companies, as your skills can only be truly utilised under the right client. Most of these sites reveal crucial information on potential clients, which are usually provided by the freelancers they’ve previously worked with. This information is vital as it’ll give you an idea of what it’s like to work under certain clients and companies
Know Your Worth

It might be tempting to take the first job offered to you even when you feel like the price is below what your skills are worth. On average, the cost of a university education in the United Kingdom is around £9,000 per annum – along with books you had to buy along the way. This applies more to freelancers who dabble in graphic design and photography as both hardware and software for these trades come at a relatively steep cost – compared to other less demanding freelance jobs. Knowing how to value your work means asking to be compensated appropriately for the cost of your training and equipment. Remember that accepting jobs below your value wastes both time and resources that could have been allocated to other things more worthy of your time and effort.
Develop a Routine

As a freelancer, you’ll be in charge of your time. This is both a blessing and a curse. For the most part, you’ll be monitoring yourself as you’ll be working remotely and independently on different projects. Without taking all this into consideration, your freelancing career may end up being short-lived. So how do you prevent this? A Psychology Today feature on habit building details the steps on how to make good habits stick. Experts believe that you’ll have an easier time cementing habits by establishing small achievable goals and making continuous progress towards those goals. Use this information to develop a daily routine to get you into the groove of working. Once you make this stick, things will be much easier for you in your journey as a freelancer.
Credit Name: Transport Executive