Developing and Nurturing Future Scientists

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Dr Denise Taylor

17 March 2020


I’m pleased to let you know about The London International Youth Science Forum 2020 (LIYSF) which aims to tackle global challenges with a programme tailored to the vision of science for change.

They are ready for the  62nd edition this year, welcoming the young enthusiasts who endeavour to perform wonders in the scientific field. The programme covers several aspects of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) and enables the participants to widen their knowledge and interest in the STEM field. Topics range from; Artificial Intelligence, Medicine, Nano-technology, Robotics, Engineering, Chemistry, Biology, Astrophysics ,Physics and Maths. LIYSF welcomes students aged 16-21 to participate and pursue their research and career in the scientific domain.

LIYSF is a two-week student residential programme which is held at Imperial College London and the Royal Geographical Society in central London. LIYSF was established in 1959 and since then it has been aiming to furnish deeper insights into science and its applications.

With the aim to address the global challenges, the 62nd edition of LIYSF in 2020 is set to furnish its lectures and teachings on ‘Science for Change’. Several challenges today that we are facing as a society can be addressed only by scientists and with the help of science, they can bring a real change into our world. LIYSF 2020 will consider the scientific disciplines to provide effective solutions to address the issues we are facing.

The science forum brings together 500 students from across the world. It enables students to widen their scientific foundation along with engaging in personal development. LIYSF provides students with lectures, visits, cultural and social interactions and much more to make it a worthwhile experience. LIYSF has been enabling the students to perform scientific wonders and pursue their researches along with building them as a person holistically.

Students who attended LIYSF over the years consider their experience as a once in a lifetime experience. Their experiences have been full of learning, exploring new things and places, making new friends and much more. In the words of Megan, a participant of LIYSF 2017, “LIYSF 2017 can be summed up as two of the most enjoyable weeks of my life. Spending time making friends with incredible people and having the ability to find out such a lot along the way was brilliant. This opportunity was just too good to miss. Visiting the capital was made much more exciting. The scientific visits provided an insight into the important scientific world of business and allowed me to find out what jobs could also be available to children within the future.”

Another participant Ona stated, “Isn’t it truly incredible how some experiences have the power to shape your life and future in the most positive way conceivable?”

At the London International Youth Science Forum, we grant students with the opportunity to attend lectures given by world-renowned speakers that share their incredible journey in science and technology. Intending to make the world a better place to live, we strive to develop scientists that can tackle and address the challenges that we face across the world today. 

Image by felixioncool from Pixabay


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