Career guidance in the current economic climate

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Dr Denise Taylor

2 April 2013


In times of recession, effective careers guidance can really make a difference in someone’s life. When a job seeker needs to be clear on what jobs are available, how they match up and learning how to convince an employer they are the best applicant they can try and do it alone but are likely to succeed quicker and stand a better chance of getting a job on their terms when they have the support and guidance of an effective coach and advisor.

Some people find their jobs made redundant, but alongside what is often a comprehensive financial package they get Outplacement. This type of support can cost the company literally thousands of pounds and that cost will provide an individual consultant to support a person through all aspects of  job search, including a team of researchers to do all the hard work. This is however for the few and for many they are left on their own.

I need to declare my personal position here, I work in private practice and my typical client is a graduate and/or professional so I won’t be focusing on those with fewer qualifications.

I’ve worked with clients such as a director from a house building company, on a high salary but who left with the statutory minimum of redundancy payment. She was left to fund herself. Also professionals from within charities who have an allowance of £500 – £1000, who need to make careful use of the funds available.

State Help
You would think that this is the place to start; after all, you need to register for job seekers allowance. But how well does Job Centre Plus meet the needs of the people I work with. Kim, a legal executive was told that as a professional she would be fine getting a job and no help whatsoever was offered to her. Robin was embarrassed to have to discuss his personal circumstances in an open plan room, Kim said the same. Only last week, Andrew was told that there was little the advisor could do to help someone seeking a job paying considerable more than the jobs advertised in the job centre. There is talk of job clubs being created but when and who will facilitate them?

Career Management companies
Career management companies generally offer a high quality of service with the focus predominately on getting a job rather than exploring options. They vary and with some, where the self employed consultants are only paid when the person gets a job the focus is more on helping the client to get any job. Many times the initial meeting is with a sales consultant so you won’t meet the person you will be working with. Be aware you may face clever sales techniques, don’t allow yourself to be pressurised.

Independent career professionals
There are thousands of independent practitioners, many of them are well qualified psychologists and career guidance practitioners. Sometimes a choice will be on location although many work virtually especially using Skype. I’ve produced a leaflet to give you a structure to make a choice and you can read how to choose a career coach via this link.
The independents will provide a more friendly and flexible service, and at a much more competitive price.
Understanding that many people have a limited budget I’ve recently created an online job search programme where you have access to over 50 videos and comprehensive notes. It’s like having Denise Taylor available 24/7. It’s excellent value for money and means that any one to one session you may book build on the pre-work so you can lazer in and have shorter more focused sessions.


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