Approaching retirement

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Dr Denise Taylor

4 April 2022


As you approach retirement

I want you to imagine that today will be your last day in your current job. Three months ago you told your employer that you would be retiring and today is that day.

You have so many things to look forward to – the home projects, more time in the garden, and time with the grandchildren. Your dream holiday is all lined up and you will be leaving in a few days.

There is an ending in sight – the end of what could be 40 years, or more, of working life.

Something you have been working towards. Your investments will mean you don’t need to worry about money and you intend to enjoy life.

You can see some many positives about no  longer having to go to work

  • No need to set the alarm and get up that bit earlier than ideal
  • No more commute with the stress of finding a seat on the train or the stress of traffic jams
  • No longer being so tired that you spend the evenings recovering
  • And time to do what you really want to do

As you look forward to this last day you know there will be a celebration – your team have a party arranged.

And then you will leave work for one last time.

Packing your bags with your personal items. Seeing your desk and wider office, and knowing you will no longer be there.

As you leave you will hand over your entry pass and name badge.

But for now, you sit for one last time at your desk and think about what you will miss

Time with colleagues – will you still see them when you have left? It will be more organised, not the moments and chats at the water cooler or when waiting for the lift. Will these relationships fade away?

I work with people who think about all this well in advance of retirement, they plan for a phased retirement and have some ideas of a future career, doing what they want to do … for some an encore career.

You may well be someone who has it all sorted … you have a plan or it may be something you will consider in time – for now you just want to relax.

What is helpful – for everyone is to take time to review your career journey.

All the steps and transitions from your first job to now. You may like to think about what was positive, and negative, what you accomplished and the challenges you overcame. For some people they will talk this through with their partner or close friend, others may prefer to journal, or you may want to talk this through with a retirement coach as you plan on next steps.

Note what you are happy to leave behind. It could be the journey, the politics, the toxic boss. This should come easy.

And then write down what you will miss. A focus on what you enjoyed, just because you will no longer be doing this in one company, it doesn’t mean that you can’t do it in the future.


Retirement coaching can help you to understand more about who you are and where you go next, looking deeper into your personal style, what motivates you, what will energise you, and how you want to move forward. But the first step is to look at where you have come, to take time to appreciate your journey through adult hood and get ready for this next step – your second life; 3rd age, however you wish to define it.

I’m getting ready for my retirement transition – to move on in my work life and I like where I’m heading. I’ll share more in the coming weeks.

I’d love you to visualise your retirement, it will be a personal to you. The image may be clear, or fuzzy. Perhaps see this as a first sketch, a rough cut that you will work on. Do share


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